Peter Quinnell is about 58 years old, and has been collecting and combining objects and images since childhood. He read Illustration at Chelsea school of art, joining with Magda Archer to form the influential collage and assemblage illustration combo Archer/Quinnell in 1985. Scoring an Illustration MA from the Royal College, they worked as one unit until amicably splitting in 1999. Quinnell has lived and worked in Hastings since then, illustrating, making art and working with young people.
'1001 Wonderful Things began as a New Year’s Resolution in 2020. It really sustained me during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The original book has more than one wonderful thing on each page - I made about 575 pages by the time I had filled it. All the collages use only original materials - no photocopies or re-sized inkjet prints. I think collage, like objet trouvé assemblage, is enriched by the history and texture of real things. I like the sacrifice and unrepeatability of using my hoarded images. As both sides of the book leaves are used, each time I sell one, the patron gets another one free, on the back.'
38 pages of illustrations and texts